Industries Served
Globex & Steelmaking
While we have a great deal of experience throughout the industry, much of our work is performed for clients involved in steel making. As the steel industry moves toward consolidation, it’s imperative to streamline operations and cut costs to remain competitive. To survive this transition you need a company that you can trust, one that provides quality engineering and inspection services at a competitive price. At Globex, we understand this. We’re confident our engineers deliver on time and within budget.
At Globex, we seek to maximize returns on modernization and capitol investment projects for our clients. Our approach to sustain top performance satisfaction is to partner with our customers in providing a highly responsive competence.
Other Industries we serve include:
- Major Metal Production
- Ports & Maritime
- Government: DoD, DoE, & NASA
- Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEMs)
- Aerospace
- Utilities-Power & Nuclear
- Construction
- Automotive
- Petrochemical
- Textile
- Mining
Whether it be...
A Steel Company incurring a major breakdown of a critical process crane it desperately needs to get back on line.
An Aerospace Company needing expertise to safely handle ultra sensitive and expensive loads on a tight time line.
A Military Base requiring quality control support in the modernization of its cranes.
A Nuclear Power Plant forced to replace a reactor vessel under a very critical schedule allowing no margin for error.
A Major Port having to overhaul existing material-handling equipment without unduly disturbing port operations.
A Refinery wanting to resolve load-handling equipment performance problems with minimal disruption.
GLOBEX gets the call!
Globex Proudly Partners With the Following Industry Leaders in Sourcing and Compliance to Deliver Quality and Add Value for our Clients.